1-(213) 204-8949
1-(844) 583-3204
Teaching English In Foreign Countries
Teaching Everything with Face-to-Face Care
The Dr. Joni System
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more details!
1-(844) 583-3204
1-(213) 787-3068
The Dr. Joni system of
active and proactive teaching
and learning incorporates 7 steps:​
Introduce -
Our tutors are instructed how to grab the students' attention (in a variety of ways) and become bigger than life on the computer screen!
Preview (Segway, Assess, Develop) -
During the preview step, the tutor will invite the learner into the lesson by using techniques specially designed to keep the learners’ attention (which may include a review of the previous lesson); assess the individual needs of the learner through probing, open-ended questions; and help develop the lesson in an interesting and motivating way.
Inquiry (Initial Reading) -
The tutor will initiate the reading of the lesson in several different and enthusiastic ways.
Read (New Words & Phrases, Vocabulary) -
New vocabulary is reviewed and explained in greater detail.
Echo (Comprehension) –
The learner actively takes part in the academic process by repeating the story, as it was told to them, back the tutor (mirroring).
Retell (Speak) –
The student gets to re-tell the story in his/her own words. Here the student can be very creative, or the or she can choose to keep it simple.
Review –
The tutor informs the student that the session is nearly finished and introduces a final activity (such as a short quiz or a fill-in-the-blank) to both check comprehension and offer closure that eagerly encourages the student to want to come back again next time.